MLB: best boss ever.

Okay so this will probably be the first of probably 5 baseball posts I ever write. I love watching baseball….in person and can only sit through whole baseball games at home when the sox are playing after august and are in the hunt.

Anyways, just a few thoughts about the MLB as a whole and PEDs.

Baseball is about to go out of business. Kids are not playing baseball as much as they used too. The reason is that baseball takes way too long to play and fans don’t want to sit there. A few good ideas I’ve heard were to put timers on pitchers and batters to pitch a ball and get ready to bat. Baseball is way too superstitious and everybody has a 5 minute routine to do something. Get on the mound and pitch the ball or get a ball called against you. Batter get in the box and swing or get a strike.

Another great idea is to let these guys fight just like hockey. Throw a baseball at a head charge the mound and take care of business. Just you two and if you hit the ground fights over.


This story is getting old, baseball has been fighting PED use for like 10 years now and still are surprised when they catch somebody using. It was interesting when it first happened but now it’s just ridiculous. They need to make a simple rule and enforce it or let these players do what they want.

If you own a business and you catch your employee druged up, you would fire his ass. Without a question. Same should go with baseball you catch a guy used PEDs gone for the whole season. Easy. Catch him a second time his ass is out the league. Easy.Fuck three strikes.

Or you can go the other way. Just let everyone do it.  Makes for exciting baseball with lots of runs.

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